Wo sich das Mühlrad dreht...!

The history of the Obere Mühle

It is first mentioned documentarily as wealthy property of a certain “Bäslar” in 1433.
Between 1503 and 1599 mentioned as sawmill under different owners. Georg Wanklmiller acquires the “Obere Mühle” in 1599, after him the married couple Eberhard took it over. The master carpenter Glanz buys the estate in 1894 and runs it as a sawmill until 1968.

The family Egger-Rohrmoser acquired the “Obere Mühle” in 1987 and rebuilt it into a restaurant. An alpine dairy with natural rock cellars raised under the barn floor un 1994.

The own-brand (two eyes against each other with two viewing angles) originally served the home owners to notch the equipment, the tools and also the wood, it was the identification of the house until the number were established in 1785.

These marks date back to the 13th century and obtained particular appreciation in the 15th and 16th century. The origin of the labels lays in the Roman numerals and the age-old runic characters Germanic tribes. These “house names” give more precise descriptions of the house or rather the owner until today. On the place where anciently the sawmill was located is now a local museum.

Source: “Aus der Geschichte des Ostrachtals” by Ulrich Scholl in collaboration with Franz Lorenz